
Contact Julian if you'd like a copy of a paper. A list made using Google Scholar Citations can be accessed here. A list of papers written by members of the Fire Ecology and Biodiversity Research Group can be found here.
2022 and in press
Davis, NE., Di Stefano, J., Whelan, J., Wright, J., Taylor, L., Coulson, G., & Sitters, H. (in press). Power of faecal pellet count and camera trapping indices to monitor mammalian herbivore activity. Wildlife Research.
Nalliah, R., Sitters, H., Smith, A. & Di Stefano, J. (2022). Untangling the influences of fire, habitat and introduced predators on the endangered heath mouse. Animal Conservation 25, 208-220
Fischer, M., Stillfried, M., Coulson, G., Sutherland, D.R., Kramer-Schadt, S. & Di Stefano, J. (2021) Spatial and temporal responses of swamp wallabies to roads in a human-modified landscape. Wildlife Biology, article number wlb.00691. Open Access.
Hynes, E., Whisson, D.A. & Di Stefano, J. (2021). Response of an arboreal species to plantation harvest. Forest Ecology and Management 490, article number 119092.
Sitters, H., Van Etten, E.J.B., Calviño Cancela, M. & Di Stefano, J. (in press). Southwest Australia Forests and Scrub. In: DellaSala D. & Goldstein, M. I. (Eds) Imperiled: The Encyclopedia of Conservation. Elsevier, Oxford.
Dorph, A., Swan, M., Di Stefano, J. & Penman, T. (2021). Relating mammal species richness to landscape patterns across multiple spatial scales. Landscape Ecology 36, 1003-1022.
Swan, M., Le Pla, M., Di Stefano, J., Pascoe, J. & Penman, T. (2021). Species distribution models for conservation planning in fire-prone landscapes. Biodiversity and Conservation 30, 1119-1136.
Delaney, L., Di Stefano, J. & Sitters, H. (2021). Mammal responses to spatial pattern in fire history depend on landscape context. Landscape Ecology 36, 897-914.
Kuchinke, D., Di Stefano, J., Sitters, H., Loyn, R., Gell, P. & Palmer, G. (2020). Prescribed burn severity has minimal effect on common bird species in a fire-prone forest ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management 475: article number 118437.
Swan, M., Christie, F., Steel, E., Sitters, H., York, A. & Di Stefano, J. (2020). Ground-dwelling mammal diversity responds positively to productivity and habitat heterogeneity in a fire-prone region. Ecosphere 11, article number e03248
Dorph, A., Swan, M., Rochelmeyer, E. & Di Stefano, J. (2020). Complex habitat drives mammal communities in a flammable landscape. Forest Ecology and Management 462: article number 117979.
Sitters, H. & Di Stefano, J. (2020). Integrating functional connectivity and fire management for better conservation outcomes. Conservation Biology 34: 550-560.
Parkins, K., Scott, A., Di Stefano, J., Swan, M., Sitters, H. & York, A. (2019). Habitat use at fire edges: Does animal activity follow temporal patterns of habitat change? Forest Ecology and Management 451: article number 117343.
Fischer, M., Di Stefano, J., Gras, P., Kramer-Schadt, S., Sutherland, D.R., Coulson, G. & Stillfried, M. (2019). Circadian rhythms enable efficient resource selection in a human-modified landscape. Ecology and Evolution 9: 7509-7527. Link to open access article.
Rochelmayer, E., Di Stefano, J., Dorph, A. & Swan, M. (2019). Linking fuel, habitat and ground-dwelling mammals. Forest Ecology and Management 441: 215-228.
Chick, M., York, A., Sitters, H., Di Stefano, J. & Nitschke, C. (2019). The cumulative impacts of prescribed burning and wildfire on vegetation diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology 56 (3): 722-732
Sukma, H., Di Stefano, J., Swan, M. & Sitters, H. (2019). Mammal functional diversity increases with vegetation structural complexity in two forest types. Forest Ecology and Management 433: 85-92.
Fischer, M., Parkins, K., Maizels, K., Sutherland, D.R., Allan, B.M., Coulson, G. & Di Stefano, J. (2018). Biotelemetry marches on: A cost-effective GPS device for monitoring terrestrial wildlife. PloS One 13(7), e0199617-e0199617. Link to open access article. Link to video - how to make a GPS tracker.
Garnick, S., Di Stefano, J., Moore, B.D., Davis, N.E., Elgar, M.A., and Coulson, G. (2018). Interspecific and intraspecific relationships between body mass and diet quality in a macropodid community. Journal of Mammalogy 99: 428-439.
Maikano, G.N., Cohn, J. & Di Stefano, J. (2018). Are germination cues for soil-stored seedbanks different in structurally different fire-prone communities? Austral Ecology 43: 89-101.
Parkins, K., York, A. & Di Stefano, J. (2018). Edge effects in fire-prone landscapes. Ecological importance and implications for fauna. Ecology and Evolution 8: 5937-5948. Link to open access article.
Sitters, H., Di Stefano, J., Wills, T., Swan, M. & York, A. (2018). Survey design for precise fire management conservation targets. Ecological Applications 28: 35-45.
Hradsky, B.A., Robley, A., Alexander, R., Richie, E.G., York, A. & Di Stefano, J. (2017). Human modified habitats facilitate forest-dwelling populations of an invasive predator, Vulpes vulpes. Scientific Reports 7 (1): 12291. Link to open access article.
Hradsky, B.A., Penman, T.D., Ababei, D., Hanea, A., Richie, E.G., York, A. & Di Stefano, J. (2017). Bayesian networks elucidate interactions between fire and other drivers of terrestrial fauna distributions. Ecosphere 8(8): e01926. Link to open access article.
Hradsky, B.A., Mildwaters, C., Ritchie, E.G., Christie, F. and Di Stefano, J. (2017). Responses of invasive predators and native prey to a prescribed forest fire. Journal of Mammalogy 98: 835-847.
Kelly, L.T., Haslem, A., Holland, G.J., Leonard, S.W.J., MacHunter, J., Bassett, M., Bennett, A.F., Bruce, M.J., Chia, E.K., Christie, F.J., Clarke, M.F., Di Stefano, J., Loyn, R., McCarthy, M.A., Pung, A., Robinson, N., Sitters, H., Swan, M. and York, A. (2017). Fire regimes and environmental gradients shape vertebrate and plant distributions in temperate eucalypt forests. Ecosphere 8 (4): e01781. Link to open access article.
Loschiavo, J., Cirulis, B., Zuo, Z., Hradsky, B.A. and Di Stefano, J. (2017). Mapping prescribed fire severity in south-east Australian eucalypt forests using modelling and satellite imagery: a case study. International Journal of Wildland Fire 26: 491-497.
Sitters, H., York, A. Swan, M. Christie, F. and Di Stefano, J. (2016). Opposing responses of bird functional diversity to vegetation structural diversity in wet and dry forest. PLOS ONE 11 (10) e0164917. Link to open access article.
Tun, K.S.W., Di Stefano, J. and Volkova, L. (2016). Forest management influences aboveground carbon and tree species diversity in Myanmar’s mixed deciduous forests. Forests 7, article 217. Link to open access article.
Davis, N., Di Stefano, J., Coulson, G., Whelan, J., Wright, J. (2016). Vegetation management influences habitat use by mammalian herbivores in shrub-encroached grassy woodland. Wildlife Research 43:438-447.
Garnick, S., Di Stefano, J., Elgar, M.A. and Coulson, G. (2016). Do body size, diet type or residence time explain habitat use in a vertebrate herbivore community? Australian Journal of Zoology 64:91-99.
Swan, M., Galindez-Silva, C., Christie, F., York, A., and Di Stefano, J. (2016). Contrasting responses of small mammals to fire and topographic refugia. Austral Ecology 41:443-451.
de Milliano, J., Di Stefano, J., Courtney, P., Temple-Smith, P. and Coulson, G. (2016). Soft-release versus hard-release for re-introduction of an endangered species: an experimental comparison using eastern barred bandicoots (Perameles gunnii). Wildlife Research 43:1-12.
Garnick, S., Di Stefano, J., Elgar, M.A. and Coulson, G. (2016). Ecological specialisation in habitat selection within a macropodid herbivore guild. Oecologia 180:823-832.
Fordyce, A., Hradsky, B.A., Ritchie, E. and Di Stefano, J. (2016). Fire affects microhabitat selection, movement patterns and body condition of an Australian rodent (Rattus fuscipes). Journal of Mammalogy 97: 102-111.
Sitters, H., Di Stefano, J., Christie, F., Swan, M. and York, A. (2016). Bird functional diversity decreases with time since disturbance: does patchy prescribed fire enhance ecosystem function? Ecological Applications 26: 115-127.
Swan, M., Christie, F.J., Sitters, H., York, A. and Di Stefano, J. (2015). Predicting faunal fire responses in heterogeneous landscapes: the role of habitat structure. Ecological Applications 25: 2293-2305.
Sitters, H., Di Stefano, J., Christie, F.J., Sunnucks, P. and York, A. (2015). Bird diversity increases after patchy prescribed fire: implications from a before-after control-impact study. International Journal of Wildland Fire 24: 690-701.
Hradsky, B.A, Loschiavo, J.C., Hradsky, M.A. and Di Stefano, J. (2015). Shrub expansion alters forest structure but has little impact on native mammal occurrence. Austral Ecology 40: 611-624.
Florentine, S.K., Milberg, P., Di Stefano, J., Westbrooke, M. and Graz, P. (2015). Decade-long response of arid-land mallee vegetation to fire, flooding and grazing in south-eastern Australia. Journal of Arid Environments 121: 7-14.
Cohn, J., Di Stefano, J., Christie, F., Cheers, G., and York, A. (2015). How do heterogeneity in vegetation types and post-fire age-classes contribute to plant diversity at the landscape scale? Forest Ecology and Management 346: 22-30.
Sitters, H., Christie, F.J., Di Stefano, J., Swan, M., Collins, P.C., and York, A. (2014). Associations between occupancy and habitat structure can predict avian responses to disturbance: implications for conservation management. Forest Ecology and Management 331: 227-236.
Swan, M., Di Stefano, J. and Christie, F. (2014). Comparing the effectiveness of two types of motion-camera for surveying ground-dwelling mammals. In: Camera Trapping: Wildlife Management and Research, pp. 123-130. (Ed. Meek, P.D., Ballard, A.G., Banks, P.B., Claridge, A.W., Fleming, P.J.S., Sanderson, J.G. and Swann, D.E.). CSIRO, Melbourne.
Di Stefano, J., Ashton, A. and York, A. (2014). Diet of the silky mouse (Pseudomys apodemoides) and the heath rat (P. shortridgei) in a post-fire environment. International Journal of Wildland Fire 23: 746-753.
Garnick, S., Di Stefano, J., Elgar, M.A. and Coulson, G. (2014). Inter- and intraspecific effects of body size on habitat use among sexually dimorphic macropodids. Oikos 123: 984-992.
Sitters, H., Christie, F.J., Di Stefano, J., Swan, M., Penman, T., Collins, P.C. and York, A. (2014). Avian responses to the diversity and configuration of fire age classes and vegetation types across a rainfall gradient. Forest Ecology and Management 318: 13-20.
Swan, M., Di Stefano, J., Christie, F., Steel, E. and York, A. (2014). Detecting mammals in heterogeneous
landscapes: Implications for biodiversity monitoring and management. Biodiversity and Conservation 23: 343-355.
Di Stefano, J., York, A., McCarthy, M., Duff, T., Christie, F.J. and Slingo, J. (2013). Defining vegetation age class distributions for multispecies conservation in fire prone landscapes. Biological Conservation 166: 111-117.
Winnard, A.L., Di Stefano, J. and Coulson, G. (2013). Habitat selection of a critically endangered species in a predator-free but degraded reserve. Wildlife Biology 19: 429-438.
Watkins, E. and Di Stefano, J. (2012) Quantifying annual patterns in the frequency of mammalian births: do goodness-of-fit tests provide adequate inferences? Australian Journal of Zoology 60: 381-387.
Di Stefano, J. and York, A. (2012). Relationships between disturbance regimes and biodiversity: background, issues and approached for monitoring. Fire and adaptive management report 91. Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne.
Williamson, K., Doherty, H. and Di Stefano, J. (2012). Changes in the relative density of swamp wallabies (Wallabia bicolor) and eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) in response to timber harvesting and wildfire. In: New Advances and Contributions to Forestry Research (Ed. Oteng-Amoako, A.A.) pp. 101-120. In Tech, Rijeka.
Van Eeden, L., Di Stefano, J. and Coulson, G. (2011). Diet selection by the brush-tailed rock-wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) in East Gippsland, Victoria. Australian Mammalogy 33: 162-168.
Di Stefano, J., Coulson, G, Swan, M. and Greenfield, A. (2011). Heterogeneity of food and shelter resources influences home range size in the swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor). Ecography 34: 469-479.
Di Stefano, J., Owen, L., Morris, R. Duff, T. and York, A. (2011). Fire, landscape change and models of small mammal habitat suitability at multiple spatial scales. Austral Ecology 36: 638-649.
2010 and older
Di Stefano, J., Swan, M., Greenfield, A., and Coulson, G. (2010). Effect of habitat type, sex and time of day on space use by the swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor). In: Macropods: the Biology of Kangaroos, Wallabies & Rat-kangaroos. G. Coulson and M.D.B. Eldridge (eds), pp. 187 - 196. CSIRO, Melbourne.
Schmidt, B., Coulson, G. and Di Stefano, J. (2010). Habitat partitioning among sympatric grey kangaroos and swamp wallabies in box-ironbark remnants. In: Macropods: the Biology of Kangaroos, Wallabies & Rat-kangaroos. G. Coulson and M.D.B. Eldridge (eds), pp. 219 -230. CSIRO, Melbourne.
Zohar Y., Di Stefano, J. and Bartle, J. (2010) Strategy for screening eucalypts for saline lands. Agroforestry Systems 78: 127-137.
Miehs, A., York, A., Tolhurst, K., Di Stefano, J. and Bell, T. (2010). Sampling downed coarse woody debris in fire-prone eucalypt woodlands. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 440-445.
Di Stefano, J., Swan, M., Greenfield, A., York, A., Coulson, G. (2009). Habitat selection by the swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) in relation to diel period, food and shelter. Austral Ecology 34(2):143-155.
Di Stefano, J., Butler, K. Sebire, I. and Fagg, P. (2009). Mammalian browsing impact on regenerating Eucalyptus seedlings in a large commercially managed native forest estate. New Forests 37(2):197-210.
Di Stefano, J. and Newell, G. (2008). Diet selection by the swamp wallaby: feeding strategies under conditions of changed food availability. Journal of Mammalogy 89(6): 1540-1549.
Swan, M., Di Stefano, J., Greenfield, A. and Coulson, G. (2008). Fine-scale habitat selection by adult female swamp wallabies (Wallabia bicolor). Australian Journal of Zoology 56:305-309.
Di Stefano, J., Anson, J.A., York, A., Greenfield, A., Coulson, G., Berman, A. and Bladen, M. (2007). Interactions between timber harvesting and swamp wallabies (Wallabia bicolor): Space use, density and browsing impact. Forest Ecology and Management 253: 128-137.
Martin, J.K., Coulson, G., Di Stefano, J., Ritchie, E.G., Greenfield, A., Catanchin, H. and Evans, L.N. (2007). The Viggers & Hearn conundrum: a kangaroo home range study with no implications for management. Journal of Applied Ecology 44:1080-1085.
Di Stefano, J. 2005. Mammalian browsing in the Mt. Cole State forest, southeastern Australia: analysis of browsing patterns, spatial relationships and browse selection. New Forests 29(1):43-61.
Di Stefano, J., Fidler, F. and Cumming, G. (2005). Effect size estimates and confidence intervals: an alternative focus for the presentation and interpretation of ecological data, pp. 71-102. In: New Trends in Ecology Research (ed. A.R. Burk). Nova Science, New York.
Di Stefano, J., Moyle, R. and Coulson, G. (2005). A soft-walled double-layered trap for capture of swamp wallabies, Wallabia bicolor. Australian Mammalogy 27:235-238.
Di Stefano, J. 2004. A confidence interval approach to data analysis. Forest Ecology and Management 187:173-183.
Di Stefano, J. 2004. The importance of ecological research for land management: the case of browsing by swamp wallabies (Wallabia bicolor) in commercially harvested native forests. Ecological Management and Restoration 5(1):61-67.
Di Stefano, J. 2003 How much power is enough? Against the development of an arbitrary convention for statistical power calculations. Functional Ecology 17:707-709.
Di Stefano, J. 2003. Mammalian browsing in the Mt Cole State Forest: defining a critical browsing level and assessing the effect of multiple browsing events. Australian Forestry 66:287-293.
Di Stefano, J. 2002. River red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis): a review of ecosystem processes, seedling regeneration and silvicultural practice. Australian Forestry 65:14-22.
Di Stefano, J. 2001. Power analysis and sustainable forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 154:141-153.