I work in the Fire Ecology and Biodiversity Research Group at the University of Melbourne with Alan York, Holly Sitters and Matthew Swan.



Current students
Annalie Dorph (PhD)
Sarah Mulhall (PhD)
Amy Smith (PhD)
Jessica Keem (PhD)
Erin Thomas (Masters)
Samantha Murray (Masters)
Louise Jory (Masters)
Claudia Giraldo (MPhil)
Past Students
Lily Wheeler (Masters 2020). The influence of fire extent, diversity and configuration on small mammal populations in a woodland ecosystem.
Pip Taylor (Masters 2020). The influence of moonlight, time since fire and vegetation cover on small mammal activity.
Amber Button (Masters 2020). Effects of vegetation structure, fire and habitat extent on microbat functional diversity.
Rachel Nalliah (Masters 2019). Untangling the web: fire, resource availability and the endangered heath mouse.
Taylor Reid (Masters 2019). The responses of reptiles to time since fire and vegetation structure.
Kate Parkins (PhD 2018). Edge effects in fire-prone landscapes: Ecological importance and implications for fauna.
Manuela Fischer (PhD 2018). Living in a human-modified landscape: Resource selection, road behaviour and herbivory impacts of swamp wallabies.
Ellen Rochelmayer (Masters 2018). Linking fuel, habitat and ground-dwelling mammals in flammable landscapes.
Kelvin Doyle (Masters 2018). Does camera trap type affect detection probability and statistical models of species occurrence?
Lauren Delaney (Honours 2017). The effects of fire and fragmentation on ground-dwelling mammals: a multi-scale analysis.
Zahlia Payne (Honours 2017). Older vegetation important for mammal functional diversity in a fire-prone landscape.
Andrew Stephens (Masters 2017). Response of fire persistence traits to productivity and fire gradients.
Kirsten Langmaid (Masters 2017). Fire severity and vegetation diversity interact to influence range size in the Mountain BobuckTrichosurus Cunninghami.
Natasha Van Der Heyden (Masters 2016). Factors influencing small mammal distribution in the eastern Otway Ranges.
Hilman Triandi Sukma (Masters 2016). Mammal functional diversity increases with habitat structural complexity.
Bronwyn Hradsky (PhD 2016). Interactions between invasive predators, native mammals and fire in a forest ecosystem.
Amy Scott (Masters 2015). Edge-effects in fire prone landscapes: Influence of species traits and resource distribution on ground-dwelling mammal responses to fire edges.
O'Neill Kyaw Sein Win Tun (Masters 2015). Estimating forest carbon stocks in tropical mixed deciduous forest: Case study in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
Carolina Galindez Silva (PhD 2014). Fire, resources and behavioural responses of ground-dwelling mammals.
Holly Sitters (PhD 2014). The influence of fire on forest birds at multiple scales.
Matthew Swan (PhD 2014). Interactions between fire, environmental heterogeneity and ground-dwelling mammals.
Ray Alexander (Honours 2014). Is habitat selection by the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) influenced by fire history?
Amber Fordyce (Honours 2013). The impact of prescribed fire on microhabitat selection of the bush rat, Rattus fuscipes.
Gloria Maikano (Masters 2013). Relative effects of heat and smoke on germination of seeds from heathy woodland and foothills forest soils.
Craig Mildwaters (Honours 2013). Predicting the effects of prescribed burning on native ground-dwelling mammals.
John Loschiavo (Honours 2012). Comparing field-based and remote-sensed methods for mapping a prescribed burn.
Erin Steel (Honours 2011). The effects of fire and landscape heterogeneity on small mammals of the Otway Ranges, Victoria.
Luke Smith (Honours 2010). Predicting habitat complexity using vegetation community, time since last fire and fire frequency.
Robert Morris (Honours 2007). Fire as an agent in small mammal habitat change: With reference to the Heath Mouse (Pseudomys shortridgei).
Laura Owen (Honours 2007). Habitat use by the Silky Mouse, Pseudomys apodemoides, and the influence of time since last fire.